How to respond when your child's friend is doing drugs

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How to respond when your child's friend is doing drugs | Kids in the House
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How to respond when your child's friend is doing drugs

When you find out from your kid that one of his friends is using drugs you just feel like, “Ah, really?” Your questions should be to your son, “How do you know that?” And, “Why do you think he’s doing it? Is he having problems at school? At home?” “Where is he getting it?” You have all sorts of questions run through your mind, but you want to make sure that the kid is safe. I mean he could be going through something that he feels like he needs to have drugs to fit in, because of the peer pressure, he’s too stressed out at school, because his expectations are really high. And then you have to think, “Do I tell their parent or not?” And this is a very tricky situation being a parent of a teen. You have to let… it has to get known to the parent so the parent can help deal with it, but oftentimes what I’ve done, not with the drugs yet, I haven’t faced that issue, but you let the kid know that, “My mom knows. And my mom’s not happy with this and she’s going to tell your parent or you have the choice to tell your parent.” And that can open up the door for that kid to have a conversation with his parent about being safe, drugs, alcohol and all of that. Because we’re not perfect, we all make mistakes, we all try things and we’re here to help our kids.
TEEN, Substance Use

See Patty Robinson Smith's video on How to respond when your child's friend is doing drugs...


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Patty Robinson Smith

Mom of Teens

Patty Robinson Smith is a California native from Riverside. She is happily married to a former professional volleyball player, they have three sons together. Patty also has a twin brother. In her free time she enjoys the outdoors, playing beach volleyball and tennis. But most of all, Patty enjoys spending time with her family and being a mother.

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