What to do if you think your child is gay

Self-proclaimed unconventional mom, Traci Cummings, explains offers some advice for parents who think that their child might be gay.
What to do if you think your child is gay | Kids in the House
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What to do if you think your child is gay

As far as supporting someone who is gay, in my experience, I don't ever feel it's necessary to explain to people who I am interested in; unless I am interested in that person, and you'll know that I'm interested. It's a part of who I am just like my skin tone, just like my hair color, just like my eye color; but it's also I don't feel like I'm hiding anything if I don't, initially, put it out there to someone. "Oh, by the way, I identify as queer." Maybe you'll see me walking down the street with my girlfriend, I just assume that people are going to be okay with it. As far as if I thought one of my children was gay, I'd tell my kids all the time, "I love you unconditionally. You are the only two people in this world that get that from me. That unconditional love. I will love you no matter what you do. I will love you no matter what. Think of the most horrible thing that could happen, I will still love always." So if I had a child who said they were gay or I thought was gay, I think I would say, "I love you. I will always love you. Pass the potatoes."

Self-proclaimed unconventional mom, Traci Cummings, explains offers some advice for parents who think that their child might be gay.


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Traci Cummings

Unconventional Mom

Traci Cummings is a divorced, self-described unconventional mom of two children, ages seven and five.  When she isn't preparing meals, cleaning up or playing card games with her children, she is busy trying to spread the word about babywearing.  Traci – who is a strong advocate of breastfeeding, the family bed and instinctual parenting – believes her children are the teachers providing daily lessons to further her practice as a parent.

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