Gay-friendly family vacations
Lynette Vertoch, Mom & Entrepreneur, shares advice for parents with a gay child on how to choose a vacation spot where their child won't be bullied or picked on
If you have a gay child going on vacation, it can actually be a little tricky and the same with deciding where are you going to live. I took both my kids on a cruise once. My daughter and my son went off to the kid’s club. About half-hour later, my son came back in tears. He had been made fun off. For the rest of the cruise, he stayed with me while my daughter had a great week at the kid’s club and meeting all kinds of other kids. He didn’t. He was with us. That was the first time that I really realized that he can't just go anywhere. Certain places in the country, people are very accepting and certain places, they’re just not, the country, the world for that matter. You do have to think about that - it depends; my son is very flamboyant and is very obvious he is gay. You can spot him a block away, like there’s a big tall gay kid, but you have to think about keeping them not just in a safe environment where you live and their school, but when you travel, when you go on vacation at the place where they’re going to enjoy the vacation too. You want to have them in an environment or place where they’re going to have a good time, where they’re going to be accepted, and where they’re not going to be bullied or picked on.
Lynette Vertoch, Mom & Entrepreneur, shares advice for parents with a gay child on how to choose a vacation spot where their child won't be bullied or picked on
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Lynette Vertoch Mom & Entrepreneur
Lynette Vertoch is an entrepreneur with a small company she runs with her husband in Seattle, called Cameos & Crowns. In her words, the company designs "these very cool dish towels, pillows, cosmetic bags and aprons." She has two children, Harris, 16 and Izzy, 13. Harris is gay and Izzy is not. She is divorced from their dad and married to a wonderful man who has been their stepdad for seven years now. She and her ex-husband and current husband all parent the kids together (even though they live in different states) and are all close as a family - they even vacation together.
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