Are children "born gay"?
Are children "born gay"? Lynette Vertoch throughly explains that children are born gay and it is not the parent's "fault"that a child is born gay.
It is not your fault that your child is gay. That is not even possible. They’re born gay. I know sometimes people think it’s the mom made them gay, but I think sometimes the reason why the gay sons are closer to their mom is just the same reason they have some many girl friends because they have more in common maybe with their mom. Unless the dad is into fashion. I'm not saying all gay men are in to fashion, but I think gay children or gay boys are often closer with their mom just because they do. They do have more in common, but no. There’s nothing that any parent could have done to make their child gay. Your child is either gay or they are not gay. It has absolutely nothing to do with you, society or anything else. It’s how you born.
Are children "born gay"? Lynette Vertoch throughly explains that children are born gay and it is not the parent's "fault"that a child is born gay.
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Lynette Vertoch Mom & Entrepreneur
Lynette Vertoch is an entrepreneur with a small company she runs with her husband in Seattle, called Cameos & Crowns. In her words, the company designs "these very cool dish towels, pillows, cosmetic bags and aprons." She has two children, Harris, 16 and Izzy, 13. Harris is gay and Izzy is not. She is divorced from their dad and married to a wonderful man who has been their stepdad for seven years now. She and her ex-husband and current husband all parent the kids together (even though they live in different states) and are all close as a family - they even vacation together.
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