What parents should know about teen drivers
Expert and educator Michael J. Bradley, EdD tells parents what they must to know about having a teen driver and what you can do as a parent to make sure your teenager is as safe as possible.
Before you hand the keys to a car over to a teenager there is something you have to know. Number one, understand if his 16, his likely not having the brain wiring required to be able to drive. Two, that is going to have accident that is twice the rate of an 18 year old. Three, he is going to have tickets for speeding and stop sign violations of twice the rate of an 18 year old. And the final thing that you need to know that he is incredibly susceptible to peer pressure. He can be driving safely alone and put one passenger appear in each kid in the car with him, the odds of a crash go up exponentially 100%. Second passenger goes up 200%. So what do you look for before giving your car keys to your kid, you are looking for emotional control more than anything else. How does the child conducting himself, how does she respond to peer pressure, is she controlled, reasonable rational good thinking when her friends are around as well as being by herself. How do you get her ready for this?
Get her professionally instructed do not teach your own kid how to drive, you are a bad driver, I found out the hard way, get a professional. When the professional says that she ready to drive, she might be. And then the next step is you are going to come up with a contract saying this is a test, were going to see how you do and if you have some issues and problems we are going to take the keys and hang them up for awhile, nothing personal sweetheart, we are not trying to hurt you, you just be showing us you are not ready for this level of freedom.
Expert and educator Michael J. Bradley, EdD tells parents what they must to know about having a teen driver and what you can do as a parent to make sure your teenager is as safe as possible.
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Michael J. Bradley, EdDPsychologist, Author & Speaker
Michael J. Bradley, EdD, award-winning author, has counseled adolescents and their parents for over 30 years and currently has a private practice in suburban Philadelphia. As a recognized specialist in adolescent behavior and parenting, Dr. Bradley is in demand as a speaker and facilitator for mental health professionals, educators, and parenting groups. He has appeared on over 400 radio and television shows, including CNN, The Today Show and Good Morning, America, and has been interviewed by numerous magazines and newspapers such as USA Today, The Philadelphia Inquirer, and Parents Magazine. His website forum is a great source of advice and encouragement to parents.
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