The secrets to a stress-free evening routine

Alanna Levine, MD Pediatrician & Author, shares advice for parents on the secrets to creating a stress-free evening routine for your kids
Parenting Tips | How To Have A Stress-Free Evening Routine
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The secrets to a stress-free evening routine

Sometimes the after school routine can be as stressful and as time-pressed as the morning routine. So you at the beginning of the school year want to come up with the system for your children so that you can make that evening time enjoyable for the entire family. One of the things you want to do is line up what all the responsibilities are. And sometimes this changes with the season as they're on sports or different teams. So maybe in the beginning of each season you can alter it a little bit. But you make a list of what a child's responsibilities are. So this might include homework, musical instrument practice. This may include a chore in the evening. Whether they need to set the table or clear the table. Sometimes children are responsible for putting their own laundry away. Whatever you decide the important things are in your household to make the child a part of that family community so they know it's their responsibility to contribute. You can line those up ahead of time so your child knows what you expect of them. And then as the evening goes, work with your child to make sure that they're taking care of their responsibilities. I recommend that you avoid the nag, because you don't want to get into a situation where every second you're asking your child, did you clean up your room? did you clean up your room? Because that doesn't create a positive dynamic for the two of you. So instead, you just remind them, what are the things on your responsibility list today, and how many have you gotten done. You can remind them of what time it is. You've got 30 more minutes until it's time to shower. Have you done all of your responsibilities? And this way you're setting up a scenario where you're partnering with them to get everything done, but it's up to them and the onus is on them, and it's there responsibility to make sure everything gets completed in a timely manner. And as a result, I think parents will enjoy the evenings better and the kids will enjoy the evenings better as well.

Alanna Levine, MD Pediatrician & Author, shares advice for parents on the secrets to creating a stress-free evening routine for your kids


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Alanna Levine, MD

Pediatrician & Author

Dr. Alanna Levine is a New York-based pediatrician and a mom of two children.  As a spokesperson for the American Academy of Pediatrics, Dr. Levine frequently appears on television and in print speaking about breaking medical news and common parenting topics.  Dr. Levine is also a contributor for, on the board of advisors for, and on the executive committee for the American Academy of Pediatrics’ Council on Communications and Media.Dr. Levine sees patients at Orangetown Pediatric Associates in New York and is on staff at Nyack Hospital and Englewood Hospital and Medical Center.   She completed her internship and residency at the Mount Sinai Hospital, received her medical degree at Sackler School of Medicine in Tel Aviv, Israel, a master’s degree in medical sciences from Boston University, and a bachelor’s degree from the University of Wisconsin.

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