Parenting mistakes we make with teen boys

Malina Saval, Author and Journalist, explains for parents some of the most common mistakes that parents often make when raising their teen boys
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Parenting mistakes we make with teen boys

The number one, most common mistake, that parents make about teenage boys is assuming that they know everything that is going on with their lives and they have all the answers as to how they can fix the problem. That is the absolute, hands-down, number one mistake that parents make.

Malina Saval, Author and Journalist, explains for parents some of the most common mistakes that parents often make when raising their teen boys


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Malina Saval

Journalist & Author

Malina Saval is the author of The Secret Lives of Boys: Inside the Raw Emotional World of Male Teens. As a journalist, her work has appeared in Variety, Los Angeles Times, Glamour, LA Weekly, Flaunt, Jerusalem Post, Forward, Heeb,, Moment and Fanzine, for whom she pens a monthly column entitled "Sponsored in Part." Her short fiction and essays have been included in Palehouse and The Truth About the Fact literary journals and in the anthology Now Write! Nonfiction: Memoir, Journalism and Creative Nonfiction Exercises from Today's Best Writers and Teachers. She's lectured at several universities, including University of Central Florida and University of Eastern Michigan, and has appeared as a special expert guest on the Tavis Smiley Show (PBS), Fox News, NPR's "Talk of the Nation" and the Patt Morrison Show.  

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