How to deal with moody teenagers
Jamee Tenzer, Parenting Coach & Author, shares advice for parents on the best methods for dealing with your moody teenager
My tips for dealing with moody teenager. Run in the other direction. No. What I want to say is think about what it is that teenagers are going through. It's really an amazing time of life. Their body is changing. Their brain is changing. Their hormones are going and if all that was happening and maybe we can sometimes we would feel the same way and we might be moody. I think when teenagers are moody, we should set boundaries with them in terms of how they treat us and how they are operating in the family but at the same time, what I've adopted with my own children is to really see and expect that they are fantastic human beings and that they're going through an amazing change and that I'm embracing that change. I find that if I have that perspective, if that's my expectation then that's usually what shows up. When it doesn't show up, then we have a conversation about it but I think part of what happens in our culture is that we expect teenagers to be difficult and so we kind of get what we're asking for so i would say, shift that perspective about what your expectation is and just be in wonderment about what they're evolving into.
Jamee Tenzer, Parenting Coach & Author, shares advice for parents on the best methods for dealing with your moody teenager
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Jamee Tenzer, PCCParent Coach & Author
In 2002, Jamee Tenzer founded CMQ Coaching, a private practice with a focus on working mothers and female executives. She works with her clients to integrate their professional and personal lives in order to make their vision real in the workplace without giving up the experience they want at home. She is also a trainer, mentor, author and small business coach. Her writing has been published in magazines, she is a contributor to numerous websites, writes a monthly newsletter “Coach Me Quick!” and manages “Executive Moms” on LinkedIn. In 2006, she co-authored, 101 Great Ways To Improve Your Life, and in April of 2012 she published her first Coach Me Quick!; Balance Your Work and Family Life with Less Stress and More Fun.
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