Will my child have a criminal record once the case is closed?

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Will my child have a criminal record once the case is closed? | Kids in the House
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Will my child have a criminal record once the case is closed?

One of the questions that I am most frequently asked at a criminal defense lawyer is what kind of a record will my client have after their case is concluded. Assuming that there has been a conviction of some sort - and I'm very attuned to this with adult clients because any kind of a criminal conviction can be crippling in terms of obtaining employment, housing, state licenses; the list goes on and on and on. Luckily for most children, for most minors, once their case is concluded, there is a sealing process that can occur that will make sure that no one other than law enforcement will have access to that criminal record and that criminal conviction. So, for example, in the standard background check that a private employer might run when they are trying to determine whether or not they want to make a job offer to somebody, most of the time they will not have any access to your child's juvenile record. Now, on the other hand if your child is charged with a very serious offense, and particularly if they are tried as an adult in an adult court; those will be public records that will be accessible. Now there are various ways that you can get those convictions expunged, but it's much more difficult if it has already become a public record, and if your child has been convicted of a DUI in juvenile court, even though that is not accessible to the general public, the DMV will be able to see that conviction and may refuse to give your child the license for some period of time, based on that conviction.

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Shepard Kopp, Esq

Criminal Defense Attorney

Shepard Kopp represents individuals and businesses in state and federal criminal investigations and prosecutions. In 16 years as a criminal defense lawyer, Mr. Kopp has tried over 110 cases to juries in state and federal courts, and has won more than 90% of those trials. Educated at Dartmouth College and the University of California's Hastings College of Law, Mr. Kopp has spent his entire professional career as a criminal defense attorney. He is passionate about vindicating the rights of the accused. This passion, dedication, and talent led to Mr. Kopp's recognition by "Super Lawyers" as a Rising Star in 2004, and as a "Super Lawyer" in 2006.

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