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Trouble with the Law Videos

Shepard Kopp, Esq. Criminal Defense Attorney, explains what happens when a teen is caught drinking and driving depending on various different circumstances
Shepard Kopp, Esq. Criminal Defense Attorney, explains what typically determines the scale of punishment after a minor is convicted of a juvenile offense
Shepard Kopp, Esq. Criminal Defense Attorney, shares advice for parents on the importance seeking advice from a lawyer as soon as your child is charged or suspected of... read more
Criminal Attorney Phiip Kent Cohen, Esq. shares advice for parents on how to help move on after their child has been in juvenile hall, including how to help your child... read more
Criminal Attorney, Phiip Kent Cohen, Esq. explains whether or not a child or teen can be sentenced to life in prison in the United States today
Philip Kent Cohen, Esq. Criminal Defense Attorney & Father, shares advice for parents on the best steps to take if your child is arrested
See Lt. Joe Laramie's video on Integration and advancement after Juvenile Detention...
Psychologist Jorge Partida, PsyD, shares advice for parents on how to help your child learn from their mistake after getting in trouble with the law
There have been a lot of opinions published online lately regarding public shaming of children on the Internet and social media in order to teach kids a lesson and... read more
Judge Michael Fields talks about Juvenile Detention Centers as they relate to teenagers and the law.
Judge Michael Fields shares his advice for parents of teenagers who have to go to court.
Learn about: Dealing with shoplifting from Stephen Gray Wallace, MS Ed,...
Shepard Kopp, Esq. Criminal Defense Attorney, shares advice for parents on what they should expect, depending on the seriousness of the crime, from the Juvenile court... read more
Shepard Kopp, Esq. Criminal Defense Attorney, shares advice for parents on what to expect if their teenager is charged with a serious crime
Shepard Kopp, Esq. Criminal Defense Attorney, shares advice for parents on the most common punishments for teens committing minor offenses
Philip Kent Cohen, Esq. Criminal Attorney, shares advice for parents on whether it's best to try to protect your child or let them be punished by the law if they get in... read more
Philip Kent Cohen, Esq. Criminal Attorney, explains what all parents should know about the juvenile court system before deciding to let them be punished by the law
View Michael J. Bradley, EdD's video on When teens are caught shoplifting...
Philip Kent Cohen, Esq. Criminal Defense Attorney... read more
Philip Kent Cohen, Esq. Criminal Attorney, shares advice for parents on how to raise kids that are less likely to get in trouble with the law
Watch Lt. Joe Laramie's video on Tips for surviving the Juvenile Court System ...
See Lt. Joe Laramie's video on Preparing for a Juvenile Court Hearing...
View Lt. Joe Laramie's video on How will my child's juvenile record affect his or her future?...
View Lt. Joe Laramie's video on What to do when a child Is arrested...
Watch Video: Understanding the reality of Juvenile Detention by Lt. Joe Laramie, ...
View Michael Dennis, PhD's video on Best types of juvenile justice systems...
View Jorge Partida, PsyD's video on Advice for a youth after prison...
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