Unschooling challenges and surprises

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Unschooling challenges and surprises

Unschooling is challenging and surprising. For me, the most challenging part is trust. Trusting that my kids are going to learn what they need to learn in order to have the life that they want to have, that they are going to learn the subjects they need, even if its not what everyone else is learning. I'm trusting them through this process. It's challenging. The surprising part is when you see them start to read and be engaged and become the people they are being. Just the overall growth is truly amazing and it's a continual process of trust. I would say that when these two younger boys are teenagers, the trust will have already been built. I think I'm still in the process of trusting.

See Amanda Enclade's video on Unschooling challenges and surprises...


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Amanda Enclade

Unschooling Mom

Amanda Enclade is passionate about progressive parenting and education. She helped her first son to leave high school in 10th grade to pursue a self-paced, interested-based course of study. He is now in college in NYC. Amanda calls this form of homeschooling “do-it-yourself education,” and continues to pursue this path with her seven and nine year old sons.

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