How unschooling differs from homeschooling

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How unschooling differs from homeschooling | Kids in the House
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How unschooling differs from homeschooling

Unschooling is a form of homeschooling. We have similar days, we stay at home with our kids. The main difference is that we don't use a set curriculum; there's no grade levels, there's no tests, there's no expectations. For me unschooling is life learning, it's learning from everything around us, from people, from places. We go to museums, we take classes. The longer you unschool, the more you realize that learning is happening all the time, it's around us all the time. Similar to how we have a summer vacation, and we do different things and by the end of summer vacation you realize, "Wow, I've learned all this new stuff this summer and it contains all the different subjects.” Unschooling is an approach to learning based on trusting the child that they will learn and that they have an innate desire to learn.

Watch Video: How unschooling differs from homeschooling by Amanda Enclade, ...


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Amanda Enclade

Unschooling Mom

Amanda Enclade is passionate about progressive parenting and education. She helped her first son to leave high school in 10th grade to pursue a self-paced, interested-based course of study. He is now in college in NYC. Amanda calls this form of homeschooling “do-it-yourself education,” and continues to pursue this path with her seven and nine year old sons.

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