How can I start unschooling my children?
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If you're considering unschooling, or you want to learn more about it, there's tons of information on the internet. Just type in unschooling or type in unschooling college or whatever your interests are and you'll find loads and loads of websites. It's a real growing movement. There's lots of information and ideas and "how-to's" out there. As far as "can you do it?" it's a lot of work. It's a lot of commitment; it's passionate; it's pioneering. It's really for people who just don't want to go to school. They don't want to put their kids in that situation, they want more for them and since our society's set up in a way that's institutionalizing our kids in order not to institutionalize them, you really have to look at it as a full-time job.
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Amanda EncladeUnschooling Mom
Amanda Enclade is passionate about progressive parenting and education. She helped her first son to leave high school in 10th grade to pursue a self-paced, interested-based course of study. He is now in college in NYC. Amanda calls this form of homeschooling “do-it-yourself education,” and continues to pursue this path with her seven and nine year old sons.
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