Making a safety plan for your teen
See Brian Pinero's video on Making a safety plan for your teen...
So creating a safety plan with your young person, it may be overwhelming, and it may make you a little nervous. That's why loveisrespect is able to help you with that. On our website, you're able to download an actual safety plan, but you can also call, text, or chat with us. We can actually talk to you about how to develop a good, comprehensive safety plan. We also have peer advocates from 16 - 23. You can actually do role plays with your young person, and talk about how best to go about initiating the safety plan, but also when certain situations happen. So as a parent, it's not always about having the answers. It's sometimes about knowing where to go, and loverisrespect is one of those place you can go to get help with safety planning
See Brian Pinero's video on Making a safety plan for your teen...
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Brian PineroAbuse Helpline Coordinator
Brian Pinero is the director of the National Dating Abuse Helpline, the advocacy service provider behind Through loveisrespect, teens and young adults can receive crisis intervention and education about healthy relationships via text, chat or phone. Pinero has dedicated over 10 years to helping teens and has previously supervised youth shelter services, been an investigator at Child Protective Services and worked as a juvenile probation officer.
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