Autism and living independently as an adult
Watch Hyman Katz's video on Autism and living independently as an adult...
When we first got the diagnosis of autism and started seeing Julian's progress, I always envisioned that Julian was going to live with us forever. He was there, he was our forever child. And as I started to meet parents of other adult autistic children, I had this one ah-ha moment, this one incredible conversation with someone I met at an event, and he just came from the experience of placing his son in a facilitated home. And at first I was like, "Oh my god, how could you do that?" But as I started to ask him questions, he made so much sense. When kids are 18, 19, they go away to college. They do live on their own. And the children who live at home until their parents die, now they're 40 and they've had this one environment their whole life and suddenly they're placed into this independent facility and it's so much more devastating. And it's that painful empty nest, letting that kid go. And I think I want nothing more than for Julian, one day, to be able to live independently.
Watch Hyman Katz's video on Autism and living independently as an adult...
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Hyman KatzDad & Music Developer
Hyman Katz is happily married and the father of a 21-year old autistic son and a 14 year-old daughter. Hyman works in the music business as a brand and content developer.
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