Effects of parenting a disabled child

Learn about: Effects of parenting a disabled child from Nick Kokotakis,...
Effects of parenting a disabled child | Kids in the House
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Effects of parenting a disabled child

Having a child with disabilities has made me a more patient father and a more tolerant person. I think it’s made me a better father. Yeah. You have to remind yourself daily that your daughter – my daughter – excuse me, your child cannot manage everything that you would take for granted. Simply. So breathe. Be patient.

Learn about: Effects of parenting a disabled child from Nick Kokotakis,...


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Nick Kokotakis


Nick Kokotakis is a native New Yorker living in Los Angeles. He has two daughters age 9 ½ and 21, one of whom is disabled. An actor and photographer, Nick also enjoys hockey and kickboxing – but he swears he’s not a violent person! 

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