Factors that affect a child's ability to learn and succeed

Kari Miller, PhD Educational Specialist, shares advice for parents on the factors the have the greatest effect on a child's ability to learn and what parents can do to help
Factors That Affect Learning In Children
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Factors that affect a child's ability to learn and succeed

Most people think that learning occurs just in a head, but learning’s really a full body activity. One thing that is really important for parents to keep in mind is that kids need the right amount of sleep in order for their brain to even work properly. It’s just as bad to get too much sleep as it is to get too little sleep. Best thing for parents to do is to monitor their child, make sure that they’re getting the right amount of sleep so that their brain can learn optimally. Another thing parents don’t often realize is the crucial role of movement in learning. The brain is hardwired to move in order to learn. We have to give our kids movement brakes if we want them to be able to concentrate. And the very most important factor to keep in mind is the crucial role of emotion in learning. Kids who are stressed, who are under pressure, who are afraid, they just can’t learn, their brain just won’t function. We have to help our kids feel happy and secure and peaceful if we want them to be successful in school.

Kari Miller, PhD Educational Specialist, shares advice for parents on the factors the have the greatest effect on a child's ability to learn and what parents can do to help


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Kari Miller, PhD, BCET

Educational Specialist

Dr. Kari Miller, PhD, BCET is a board certified educational therapist and director of Miller Educational Excellence, an educational therapy center in Los Angeles, CA.  She educates students who have complicated learning needs due to issues such as attention deficit disorder, learning disabilities and autism.  She is the host of the popular Blogtalk radio show, Special Kid School Talk, which helps parents raise their special needs children to be academically successful.

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