Safety of non-toxic vs. less-toxic supplies and products
Medical Toxicologist Cyrus Rangan, MD, explains on how supplies and products that are labeled as non-toxic or less-toxic can still be poisonous for children
Most consumer products made for children and sold in the United States are designed to be as safe and as non-toxic as ever.
However, just because a product might be labeled as non-toxic, that should not give us reason to relax about that product. It does not give us reason to say, if my child happens to ingest it that they are guaranteed not to have a poisoning.
In generally, it is not necessarily about what the substance is, it is more concerning about what the substance does and under what circumstances. In other words, a substance that is labeled non-toxic, can be toxic if enough of it is ingested.
I think that when we are using these products in our home and bringing them into our home, we should be aware that the product maybe less toxic, not necessarily non-toxic compared to other products. That is not a substitute for proper supervision in our households and make sure that our children do not get into these products and use them in a way they were not meant to be used.
Medical Toxicologist Cyrus Rangan, MD, explains on how supplies and products that are labeled as non-toxic or less-toxic can still be poisonous for children
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Cyrus Rangan, MDMedical Toxicologist, Poison Control
Cyrus Rangan, MD, is a pediatrician and medical toxicologist. Cyrus serves as the Assistant Medical Director with the California Poison Control System and medical toxicology consultant for Children’s Hospital Los Angeles. Over 70% of the calls received at the center are able to stay at home and avoid a visit to the hospital, based on the over-the-phone support of the center. Cyrus is also the father of two boys, age seven and four, with whom he enjoys practicing Kung Fu.
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