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Poisons Videos

See Tamara Elise Rubin's video on The hidden dangers of home renovation...
Tamara Elise Rubin, Executive Director of Lead Safe America Foundation, shares advice for parents on understanding childhood lead poisoning
Tamara Elise Rubin, Executive Director of the Lead Safe America Foundation, shares advice for parents on what to do after your child has been diagnosed with lead... read more
Pediatrician Leonardo Trasande, MD, shares advice for parents on what to do when the lead paint is chipping in your home in order to keep your children and family safe
Cyrus Rangan, MD, shares health advice for parents about when to tell if a child has had an overdose of a medication and what to do if they have
Medical Toxicologist Cyrus Rangan, MD, shares advice for parents on the signs and symptoms that may indicate that your child has been poisoned and what to do to help... read more
Cyrus Rangan, MD, shares health advice for parents on when you should call poison control if you believe your child may have come in contact with a poison
Richard Pass, RN, shares advice for parents on what to do if you think your child may have accidentally ingested a poisonous material
Kids In The House
As parents we have naturally worried about our children since the day they were born.
Learn about: The Lead Safe America Foundation from Tamara Elise Rubin,...
View Tamara Elise Rubin's video on The natural level of lead in humans and your BLL number...
Learn about: Correlation between lead poisoning and behavioral disorders from Tamara Elise Rubin,...
See Tamara Elise Rubin's video on What every family needs to know before they buy a home...
Watch Tamara Elise Rubin's video on Why taking off your shoes can save your life...
Tamara Ellise Rubin, Executive Director of Lead Safe America Foundation, explains how your child's health can be affected from a nearby house with lead paint
Tamara Ellise Rubin, Executive Director of Lead Safe America Foundation, shares advice for parents on how to locate the source of your child's lead poisoning diagnosis
Tamara Ellise Rubin, Executive Director of Lead Safe America Foundation, shares advice for parents on how lead in the soil of your home garden can put children at risk... read more
Tamara Ellise Rubin, Executive Director of Lead Safe America Foundation, shares advice for parents on how to make your home lead free and protect your children from lead... read more
See Tamara Elise Rubin's video on Three steps for renters to take for a lead-free home...
View Tamara Elise Rubin's video on How I found out my kids were lead poisoned...
Tamara Ellise Rubin, Executive Director of Lead Safe America Foundation, explains the effects that lead poisoning can have on fertility and pregnancy
Tamara Ellise Rubin, Executive Director of Lead Safe America Foundation, shares advice for parents on how to treat your child if they are diagnosed with lead poisoning
Tamara Elise Rubin, Executive Director of Lead Safe America Foundation, shares advice for parents on testing for childhood lead poisoning
Medical Toxicologist Cyrus Rangan, MD, explains on how supplies and products that are labeled as non-toxic or less-toxic can still be poisonous for children
Medical Toxicologist Cyrus Rangan, MD, shares advice for parents on what to do if your teen has been poisoned and how to tell if the teen's poisoning was accidental or... read more
Medical Toxicologist Cyrus Rangan, MD, shares advice for parents on a number of lesser known and potentially dangerous poisons for children that are found in household... read more
Cyrus Rangan, MD, shares health advice for parents on how a child's age and weight play a large role in how likely a poison is going to cause significant toxicity
Medical Toxicologist Cyrus Rangan, MD, shares advice for parents on what the most common household poisons that young children are exposed to and how to keep them away... read more
Medical Toxicologist Cyrus Rangan, MD, shares advice for parents on what you should do if your child has been poisoned or come in contact with a poisonous substance
Cyrus Rangan, MD, shares health advice for parents on how to be sure that all your medications and household cleaning products are out of reach from children
Cyrus Rangan, MD, shares health advice for parents on what factors should influence to call Poison Control or 911 if your believe your child has been poisoned
Medical Toxicologist Cyrus Rangan, MD, shares advice for parents on which households poisons that children most often come into contact with and how to keep your child... read more
Medical Toxicologist Cyrus Rangan, MD, Poison Control, shares advice for parents on how to prevent your child from coming into contact with poisonous substances in the... read more
Medical Toxicologist Cyrus Rangan, MD, Poison Control, shares advice for parents on what to do if your child has gotten into medications and taken too much
Medical Toxicologist Cyrus Rangan, MD, Poison Control, shares advice for parents on what to do if your child has been in contact with a potentially poisonous plan or... read more
Pediatrician Alan Nager, MD, shares advice for parents on the signs that your child may have ingested something poisonous and that you should call poison control
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