Preschool readiness

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Preschool readiness

Determining whether your child is ready for preschool is really a family choice, first and foremost. You as a family has to decide if you are ready for all the challenges that come with preschool. Separation, the cost, having to take your child to school, all the requirements that the school might have for you. Once you've decided that individually, knowing that your child is ready by three, every child is ready for some type of school. Ready for the challenges that come.

See Daniel Asres's video on Preschool readiness...


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Daniel Asres

Preschool Teacher

Daniel Asres has lived in the greater Los Angeles for 36 years. He received his Bachelor of Arts in Liberal Studies, with emphasis in Sociology and Education from the University of California, Riverside. Daniel’s great love and passion remains in educating children. Daniel is the Assistant Director at Little Dolphins Preschool for five years and counting. He has taught early education for over 12 years and was the Director of an Enrichment Program for three years. Daniel's hobbies include traveling, writing, painting and all things sports.  

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