Letting your child pick what they want to wear
Learn about: Letting your child pick what they want to wear from D'Lynda Kaplan,...
So, my kids and their clothes. I'm not that picky about what my kids wear. I let them pick what they wear. I think if it's something that you don't really want them to wear, like it's a nice shirt or you don't want them to wear to school 'cause it's gonna get dirty, then you don't offer them that. You hide it, right? So, there's none argument every morning. So, make sure what the clothes that are available to them are the ones that they're allowed to wear. And, then, I just sort them whatever they want. Who cares. Because I wouldn't start - that's not a battle I'll choose to fight. If it is a special occasion, like you have a wedding coming up, my suggestion would b,e even if they're like 3 years old, to take them with you to see the dress, incorporate their opinion in it, let them try it on, take pictures 'cause if you bring out the big party dress to another party and they don't wanna wear it, it's a very stressful time. So, that's what I do with my kids and their clothes. Basically, I let them choose what they wanna wear.
Learn about: Letting your child pick what they want to wear from D'Lynda Kaplan,...
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D'Lynda KaplanSay-It-Like-It-Is Mom
D’Lynda Kaplan is originally from Texas and has been living in Los Angeles for 15 years. Prior to motherhood, she worked for over a decade at Universal Music Group. She is the mother to four children all under 10 years of age - which means she has a very busy household. In fact, when it comes to hobbies, she only has time to do two things other than parenting: eat and exercise!
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