How to deal with preschoolers misbehaving in school
Parenting expert Aaliyah Noble shares some advice on good ways for parents to deal with children misbehaving in preschool
When your young child is misbehaving in school, it is very important that you have open communication with the teacher. Find out what time he's most likely be misbehaving, maybe it's circle time when he is supposed to be sitting down and listening to a story instead he's starting to do flips. At this point, it's your job as a parent to be proactive. Make sure you take some time off of work or take your day off to go into his classroom on that day. Don't tell your child that you're coming. Just show up. When you show up, you have to take some time to just stand back and observe. Watch what he's doing and if you do catch him in the moment where he's misbehaving, it's very important that you don't take that time to discipline or try to correct the behavior but instead model the good behavior. So, if he's supposed to be sitting down like the rest of the class listening to the story, you let him acknowledge that you're there and then you go to the circle, sit down criss-cross applesauce, hands in your lap and be attentive to the story and then your child will see you modelling that behavior and follow right behind you.
Parenting expert Aaliyah Noble shares some advice on good ways for parents to deal with children misbehaving in preschool
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Aaliyah NobleSingle Mom
Aaliyah Noble is the single mother of a six year-old son. Despite having her son when she was just a teenager, Aaliyah has had a successful career in the non-profit sector, helping to educate and empower teen parents, and also in production, spearheading a company that produces documentaries and short films.
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