Cord blood banking

OBGYN Jay Goldberg, MD, explains how cord blood is stored, the possible benefits of saving and storing cord blood, and whether it is recommended by doctors
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Cord blood banking

Cord blood banking has been around for about 10 years now and it is the process in which your doctor will collect blood that has accumulated in the umbilical cord after the baby has been placed on your belly or placed in a warmer, the cord has been cut and clamped. That blood then can be stored and there are many companies that are storing this blood now and then utilize it in the future for potential problems. And there’s research being done, so hopefully, there’ll be more uses in the future, but leukemias, anemias – there’s research on cerebral palsy now. My take on the situation is that it’s insurance. And so like any insurance, if you got it and didn’t need it, you may not miss the money that much. But if you didn’t get it and needed it, you may regret not having gotten it. So you have to think hard, because it’s an expensive endeavor, but one that potentially can be used. Talk your doctor more about it.

OBGYN Jay Goldberg, MD, explains how cord blood is stored, the possible benefits of saving and storing cord blood, and whether it is recommended by doctors


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Jay Goldberg, MD

Obstetrician & Gynecologist

Dr. Jay Goldberg is a Fellow of the American College of Obstetrics and Gynecology. Dr. Goldberg earned his medical degree from the Medical University of South Carolina in 1996 after completing his undergraduate education at the University of California-San Diego. His internship and residency training took place at Kaiser Permanente in Los Angeles.

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