Organic pregnancy tips

Alan Greene, MD, shares advice for women on how to have a green pregnancy in order to protect their baby from many harmful chemicals
How To Have A "Green" Pregnancy
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Organic pregnancy tips

A few years ago I worked with an environmental working group to do a study where we looked at babies at the moment of birth. We checked their umbilical cord blood and analyzed it to see what was in there. And what we found was kind of shocking. We found 200 industrial chemicals in babies at the moment of birth. That had already gotten into them before they were born. What that teaches us is what's out there in the world isn't just out there. It gets into us and even into the inner sanctum of the womb. So one thing many pregnant women notice is a heightened sense of smell to help protect them from fumes and other things that might get into the body. Thankfully there are some very simple things you can do to reduce the bad chemicals that get in, because they only get in in a few ways. They get in through the air you breathe, and it's primarily the air in your own home. So check your cleaning supplies. Make sure the fumes they emit are not something you don't want in your baby. They get in through your skin, your skin care products. Start checking the labels on those. Not just on food. Anything you're washing into your hair, putting onto your skin or makeup. Look what goes there. And then finally it's what goes into your mouth. And choose healthy real food without pesticides or other toxins in there. Those 3 things can defend against all of the 80K chemicals that are out there in commerce.

Alan Greene, MD, shares advice for women on how to have a green pregnancy in order to protect their baby from many harmful chemicals


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Alan Greene, MD


Dr. Alan Greene founded his website,, in 1995, cited by the AMA as "the pioneer physician web site." In 2010 he founded the WhiteOut Now movement to change how babies are fed from their very first bite of solid food, and in 2012 he founded TICC TOCC – Transitioning Immediate Cord Clamping To Optimal Cord Clamping. He is an author of several books including Feeding Baby Green and appears frequently in the media including such venues as the The New York Times, the Wall Street Journal, TODAY Show, Good Morning America, the Dr. Oz Show, and is a regular columnist for Parenting magazine. He is a practicing pediatrician and the father of four.

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