Are only carbs during the first trimester safe?

Some women find that they only want to eat carbs during the first trimester of their pregnancy. Del Millers, PhD, a highly acclaimed nutritionist helps women maintain a healthy diet during pregnancy, while still enjoying what they are eating.
Healthy Diet During Pregnancy - First Trimester
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Are only carbs during the first trimester safe?

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Some of my clients tell me that during the first trimester they have a hard time eating proteins and vegetables. They just can't stand the sight of a piece of vegetable. And they end up eating just a lot of carbs, because they just feel so terrible going through not feeling well and just being nauseous all the time. Is it safe for the baby? Well, fortunately it's not terribly dangerous at this stage because you're just developing. The fetus is just developing. One of the things I would always recommend they do is try some vegetable juices. Try some different juices. See if that would be more palatable. A lot of times just the sight of vegetables makes someone nauseous but turn it into a juice where you can add some sweet fruit. That would probably be better for a lot of people. Also, eat more fruit. You know, a lot of the same nutrients that we find in vegetables are also in fruit. So if you have the same colors and hues, they contain a lot of the same nutrients that we find in vegetables. So you're safe there. And a lot of times fruit tend to be more palatable during that first trimester. Also it's important just not to give up. It's important to try and eat regularly throughout the day so that even if you're eating just carbs, you want to make sure that you're eating a variety of different things, because there are some proteins in different carbohydrate type foods. It just depends on what you eat.

Some women find that they only want to eat carbs during the first trimester of their pregnancy. Del Millers, PhD, a highly acclaimed nutritionist helps women maintain a healthy diet during pregnancy, while still enjoying what they are eating.


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Del Millers, PhD

Author, Nutritionist

Dr. Del Millers is the founder of and author of eight books on mind-body health and nutrition. A PhD Nutritionist with a Masters degree in psychology, Dr. Del teaches motivation and high performance strategies to busy entrepreneurs and professionals, so that they can make a difference in their lives tomorrow in just ten minutes today.

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