Bringing a cord blood collection kit to the hospital

Richard Jennings, President of Stem Cell Services, shares advice for families wanting to take advantage of cord blood or tissue services on the process of collecting the cord blood or tissue
Bringing A Cord Blood Collection Kit To The Hosptial
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Bringing a cord blood collection kit to the hospital

If, as a family, you want to take advantage of cord blood or cord tissue services, you need to do some preparations in advance. The most important thing you decide to do private blood cord banking, is to call and make arrangements. A company will send you a collection kit. This collection kit is a small briefcase-sized item that you'll take with you to the hospital for your day of birth. In that collection kit, there is all of the items that are necessary for your healthcare provider to do the collection of the core blood and tissue. The collection kit is an important piece of the process because it is used to send your core blood from the hospital back to the laboratory. It also should provide some type of temperature stability, because exposure to extreme temperatures (such as high heats or low colds) can begin to kill off some of the stem cells. So selecting a collection kit that has temperature stability will help you maximize the stem cell collection that you are hoping to get

Richard Jennings, President of Stem Cell Services, shares advice for families wanting to take advantage of cord blood or tissue services on the process of collecting the cord blood or tissue


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Richard D. Jennings

President, Stem Cell Services

Richard Jennings brings a wealth of knowledge and experience in the biomedical and healthcare fields to the California Cryobank Stem Cell business.  As president of the company, Richard has set the strategic vision which has resulted in tremendous growth of the FamilyCord business that provides cord blood and cord tissue services to pregnant moms. Prior to managing FamilyCord, Richard served as CEO of Mediscan Services, was an Administrator at Centinela Freeman Health System, and held a series of positions within the Child Care and Infant Care sectors of Kimberly-Clark. Richard Jennings earned an MBA from Harvard Business School, and holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Chemical Engineering. He is also the father of two beautiful children. 

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