When miscarriage occurs late in a pregnancy
Obstetrician Paul Crane, MD, discusses when miscarriages take place late in pregnancy including how likely they are and the various symptoms involved
Miscarriage can take place anywhere from just a few days after conception, up to twenty or twenty-four weeks.
The earlier the miscarriage, the less the symptoms; less bleeding, less cramping. The earlier the miscarriage is usually the embryo is very small and hardly formed. The actual trauma of the miscarriage is, sometimes, not that serious. Many times, nothing has to be done.
As the pregnancy proceeds, as it becomes farther and farther along, it becomes more serious, more serious bleeding, perhaps, a serious hospital-type procedure has to be done to make sure the uterus is clean. Sometimes there is infections. Sometimes there is more serious cause of the miscarriage that has to be looked into.
Fortunately, late miscarriages are quite uncommon.
Obstetrician Paul Crane, MD, discusses when miscarriages take place late in pregnancy including how likely they are and the various symptoms involved
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Paul Crane, MDObstetrician
Paul Crane, MD, is a board-certified Obstetrician and Gynecologist and has practiced for more than 30 years. He specializes in natural childbirth and VBAC births in his practice in Beverly Hills. Paul is the father of six children ranging in age from 18 to 40. In his free time, he enjoys photography. Even after 30 years, one of his favorite things to do is deliver babies.
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