How miscarriage changed my outlook on pregnancy and birth
Suchada Eickemeyer, Mother and Blogger, shares advice on how her miscarriage greatly changed her view of pregnancy and childbirth
My miscarriage changed my outlook on pregnancy and birth from a medical perspective to more of a woman centered perspective. I had a miscarriage in my first pregnancy and it was a time when I did not know very much about natural birth or midwifery and I thought that I would go to an obstetrician and have my babies in a hospital and that that was the only way to do things. But after I had my miscarriage and I was horrified by the way I was treated, that it was really treated as a medical event, and not something that was lifechanging and devastating for me, I knew that that wasn´t how I wanted my children brought into the world and that is what got me started on my path to learn about natural pregnancy and birth.
Suchada Eickemeyer, Mother and Blogger, shares advice on how her miscarriage greatly changed her view of pregnancy and childbirth
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Suchada EickemeyerMom & Blogger
Suchada Eickemeyer is a writer who blogs about natural parenting at She has two toddler boys who are exuberant and hilarious. Her favorite thing to do with them is cuddle in bed on Saturday mornings. When she gets free time she runs, spends time with friends, and cuts loose.
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