Legal rights and responsibilities of sperm donors

Adoption Attorney Stephen Ravel explains the legal rights and responsibilities for men who donate sperm depending on whether the sperm donor is anonymous or not
Sperm Donor Legal Rights and Responsibilities
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Legal rights and responsibilities of sperm donors

In a situation where a woman decides she wants to get pregnant and uses a known party as a sperm donor, and not through an anonymous sperm bank or through a licensed physician in a clinic, the father may in fact have legal rights to the child and unless you had an agreement ahead of time that sets forth what your legal relationships are. You may run the risk. If you're the father of the child, you may run the risk of being financially responsible for the child. And, if you're the mother of the child, you may run the risk that the father is gonna try and get involved with the child later on. So, my advice to you is make sure your legal rights are set forth before you get involved in this in a written agreement that sets forth what your expectations are and you'll eliminate that potential problem.

Adoption Attorney Stephen Ravel explains the legal rights and responsibilities for men who donate sperm depending on whether the sperm donor is anonymous or not


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Stephen Ravel

Adoption Attorney

Stephen Ravel attended UC Berkley for his undergraduate degree and Santa Clara Law School for his law degree. Stephen has been an attorney since 1973, and has been involved with adoption law since 1984. He has handled over 1,300 adoptions since the start of his career. Stephen is married and has three children. His oldest child was adopted from Brazil at birth.

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