Challenges of sperm donation for single mothers by choice

Learn about: Challenges of sperm donation for single mothers by choice from Janis Gaudelli,...
Challenges of sperm donation for single mothers by choice | Kids in the House
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Challenges of sperm donation for single mothers by choice

Looking back on my experience with sperm donation and insemination, I would say the biggest challenge, even though you prepare yourself for it, is really having to make all the decisions on your own. And then when you get to the point where you start taking classes and start to mingle with other parents, it's seeing that the other moms have that support. And then kind of having to tell your story as early as it is because many of the dads ask, "How did your husband get off the hook?" And I'm proud of the story, but that is a challenge sometimes, because you can prepare yourself for it but you don't necessarily feel as comfortable with it at first. Things that were easier than I expected in this process was really choosing the donor and going through the process of getting inseminated. It was so seamless for me, and I think because when you make the decision to become a single mom by choice and you're really serious about it, it's such a commitment and you need to do it with such certainty that I think I knew going in that this was exactly what I wanted and I went in with a positive attitude. And it was really the easiest thing that I had to do along this journey.

Learn about: Challenges of sperm donation for single mothers by choice from Janis Gaudelli,...


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Janis Gaudelli

Single Mom

Janis Gaudelli is a native New Yorker, living in Los Angeles. In her mid thirties, she made the decision to become a single mother by choice via donor insemination. She is the Vice President of The Futures Company. In her free time she enjoys dinner with friends, the ocean, and reading a good book. 

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