Protecting your fertility

Fertility Specialist Richard Marrs, MD, shares advice for women on the best ways to protect and preserve your fertility
How Women Can Protect Their Fertility - Kids In The House
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Protecting your fertility

Woman can preserve or protect their fertility by doing simple things. Leading a healthy lifestyle, not smoking, staying away from drugs. But also, women have to understand what their life goals are. Women who are entering their professional career and delaying childbearing until a later age, those women need to entertain the thought of maybe freezing or preserving their eggs. If they are 28 or 29, and they don't have a partner and thinking it may be another ten years before they want to have children, freezing those eggs is going to be the right thing to do. When they are 39, their eggs are still going to be 29 and they will function as they did at 29. Their fertility is, in effect, preserved at a young age by doing that.

Fertility Specialist Richard Marrs, MD, shares advice for women on the best ways to protect and preserve your fertility


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Richard Marrs, MD

Fertility Specialist

Dr. Richard Marrs is a board certified Reproductive Endocrinologist. He studied medicine and trained in Obstetrics and Gynecology in Texas before moving to Southern California to study Reproductive Endocrinology. While at the University of Southern California, he developed one of the country’s first IVF programs, which is responsible for the second IVF birth in the United States and the first birth from cryopreserved embryos in the United States in 1986. He is internationally recognized for his contributions to the development of IVF. He has published over 200 papers and books in the area of Reproductive Endocrinology and In Vitro Fertilization and is a prominent figure in the national and international infertility communities. In 1996, he published a book for couples called the Dr. Richard Marrs' Fertility Book: America's Leading Infertility Expert Tells You Everything You Need to Know About Getting Pregnant.

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