Women's age and IVF

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Women's age and IVF

Invitro fertilization is affected by a woman´s age in two primary ways. The first is a quantitative way. As a woman ages, the number of eggs that are available in any given cycle starts to decrease. And so from a numerical or statistical perspective, if the woman is proceeding through invitro fertilization, the more eggs, the more likely it will work. On the other hand, as a woman ages, there is going to be a diminishing number of eggs and hence have an impact on the ability to conceive per invitro fertilization cycle. The other aspect that is affected by a woman aging is the quality of the egg. And the best way to explain that is once an egg has been fertilized by sperm, really the brunt of the responsibility falls on the egg. It needs to orchestrate the division and duplication of DNA. And as an egg gets older, it will make more mistakes so there is a higher likelihood of getting pregnant but losing that pregnancy. So IVF is ultimately affected adversely by an increasing age and to drive that point home further, a woman is able to conceive with invitro fertilization at the age of 35 at approximately 50% per attempt . By the time that woman is 40, the likelihood has declined to about 30%. By 45, that number is now less than 5%.

Watch Video: Women's age and IVF by David Tourgeman, MD, ...


Expert Bio

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David Tourgeman, MD

Infertility Specialist

 - Undergraduate: University of California, Santa Barbara.
 Medical School: University of Southern California.
 Residency: Obstetrics and Gynecology 
University of Southern California, Los Angeles County Women’s & Children’s Hospital. 
Fellowship: Reproductive Endocrinology and Infertility University of Southern California, Los Angeles County Women’s & Children’s Hospital.

Board Certification 
- Reproductive Endocrinology and Infertility
 Obstetrics and Gynecology.

Academic Appointments
 - Assistant Clinical Professor, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology,
 University of Southern California School of Medicine.

Hospital Affiliations 
- Huntington Memorial Hospital 
St. John’s Health Center.

 - Wyeth-Ayest Award of the Pacific coast Reproductive Society, April 1999. 
Serono In-Training Award for the Pacific Coast Reproductive Society, April 2000
. Ortho- Mcneil Poster Award Obstetrical and Gynecological Assembly of Southern California, February 2011.
 Serono In-Training Award for the Pacific Coast Reproductive Society, April 2001. 
Fellow Award, co-author Pacific Coast Reproductive Society, April 2001.

Professional Organizations - 
American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists
 American Society for Reproductive Medicine. 
Pacific Coast Reproductive Society
 Society of Reproductive Endocrinology and Infertility.

Areas of Research and Publication
 - Assisted reproductive technologies and oocyte donation in women of advanced
 reproductive age. 
Advanced reproductive fertility surgery. 
Alternatives for enhancing embryo implantation
. Evaluation of ovulation induction agents. 
Vaginal hormone administration.

Languages Spoken
 - English, 
French, &

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