Methods of alternative insemination

Naomi Hanna, Certified Nurse Midwife, shares advice for couples struggling with fertility issues on the various methods possible for alternative insemination
Methods Of Alternative Insemination - Expert Fertility Advice
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Methods of alternative insemination

If you want to do alternative insemination, there are lots of different ways. You can go to a doctor or a midwife clinic to help you. You can also do it at home. If you use frozen sperm, it's much better to go to a doctor and do intrauterine insemination. That's because the frozen sperm has a lifespan of 24 hours, and it's the timing of the egg and the sperm have to be right on. They do it under ultrasound. They make sure the follicle is ready to produce the egg. They time it just right. They put the sperm right at the top of the uterus where the egg is going to come down. If you use fresh sperm, you have all of the time that the old fashion way provides, which is up to three to four days. You can do an intravaginal insemination, where people literally just use a syringe. People used to call it a turkey baster, but a turkey baster is a little big. Use a syringe and just put it inside the vagina, or you can do an intracervical insemination where you use a catheter. You can also just place the sperm into a cervical cap or device like a cervical cap and hold it there because, once the egg is released, it literally draws the sperm towards it. It hormonally has a magnetic effect. A midwife can help you at home with this, and can also teach you how to do it yourself. It is so empowering to be able to be in your own bed and have that personal experience.

Naomi Hanna, Certified Nurse Midwife, shares advice for couples struggling with fertility issues on the various methods possible for alternative insemination


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Naomi Hannah, CNM

Certified Nurse Midwife

Naomi Hannah is a midwife who has worked in several birth settings: she has been a Doula, a Certified Professional Midwife, a labor and delivery nurse, and is now a Certified Nurse Midwife. Naomi has approached the many facets of birthing from various angles; a birth center, a home birth practice, and currently a hospital-based practice. She lives in Taos, New Mexico, with her partner of 13 years and their two children, Eden who is 10 and Ezra, seven, both born with the help of known donors. Her personal experience and professional skills have made it possible to help other women conceive at home with alternative insemination.  She is also a singer-songwriter who has taught preschool music classes. She enjoys sharing music with her children and watching their musical language unfold. 

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