Giving birth with a midwife in a hospital
Certified Nurse Midwife Naomi Hannah, CNM, explains the process of giving birth with a midwife in a hospital and how it is different than a normal hospital birth
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Naomi Hannah, CNM
Certified Nurse Midwife
Naomi Hannah is a midwife who has worked in several birth settings: she has been a Doula, a Certified Professional Midwife, a labor and delivery nurse, and is now a Certified Nurse Midwife. Naomi has approached the many facets of birthing from various angles; a birth center, a home birth practice, and currently a hospital-based practice. She lives in Taos, New Mexico, with her partner of 13 years and their two children, Eden who is 10 and Ezra, seven, both born with the help of known donors. Her personal experience and professional skills have made it possible to help other women conceive at home with alternative insemination. She is also a singer-songwriter who has taught preschool music classes. She enjoys sharing music with her children and watching their musical language unfold.
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