Safety and comfort during water birth
Suchada Eickemeyer, Natural Parenting Blogger, explains how water birth is safe for newborns, and how to perform a water birth safely
I can't compare how it feels to give birth in water versus not in water because both of my births have been in water.
To me, it just felt completely normal and completely natural. It is safe for babies to be born in water. The reflux for them to start breathing isn't cause by them coming out of the birth canal. It is actually by them feeling the cold air. They don't suck in any water or have any chance of drowning during a water birth if it is done with supervision.
I think, for the babies they seem to like it. Mine came out and they were happy and fine.
Suchada Eickemeyer, Natural Parenting Blogger, explains how water birth is safe for newborns, and how to perform a water birth safely
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Suchada EickemeyerMom & Blogger
Suchada Eickemeyer is a writer who blogs about natural parenting at She has two toddler boys who are exuberant and hilarious. Her favorite thing to do with them is cuddle in bed on Saturday mornings. When she gets free time she runs, spends time with friends, and cuts loose.
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