Epidural vs. natural childbirth
Obstetrician Paul Crane, MD, explains the most popular pain killers that are used during labor, what the effects of the pain killers are on the mother and the baby, and what percentage of women elect to use pain killers when giving birth
The pain of childbirth is obviously quite serious and there are natural ways that people can deal with that pain that have been utilized over the last 30 or 40 years. The Lamaze method, the Bradley method, hypnobirthing, yoga techniques – they are all valuable and can be utilized to get through pain.
For at least 60% of patients in today’s world the epidural anesthetic, however, has become the anesthetic of choice. It allows some degree of movement, some degree of freedom in terms of delivery of the baby. It does not sedate the mother or the baby. It is extremely safe and has replaced narcotic analgesia, which we used to use to essentially sedate the mother for birth.
Obstetrician Paul Crane, MD, explains the most popular pain killers that are used during labor, what the effects of the pain killers are on the mother and the baby, and what percentage of women elect to use pain killers when giving birth
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Paul Crane, MDObstetrician
Paul Crane, MD, is a board-certified Obstetrician and Gynecologist and has practiced for more than 30 years. He specializes in natural childbirth and VBAC births in his practice in Beverly Hills. Paul is the father of six children ranging in age from 18 to 40. In his free time, he enjoys photography. Even after 30 years, one of his favorite things to do is deliver babies.
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