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Pros and Cons of Circumcision

The pros and cons of circumcision is something that's hotly debated right now. The pros of circumcision is that it does reduce the risk of cancer of the penis from almost nothing to more or less nothing. It does seem to reduce the risk of getting HIV or AIDS by about 50 percent. It does also reduce the risk of getting HPV or papilloma virus infection, which can cause cancer in the woman and the man. Also, it may reduce other infections. The cons of circumcision, or the disadvantages, that it's a surgical procedure. It requires, usually, some anesthesia.

Teen Sports - How Should Parents Be Involved

Why Join Teen Sports ? Being involved in your teen’s activities is important – especially if it’s teen sports. Teen sports do wonders for the body, mind and spirit. Your teen will learn about good sportsmanship, develop a healthy respect for others, learn to think as part of a team without losing their individualism and feel the thrill of winning and learn to deal with the agony of defeat.

Teen Sports - How Should Parents Be Involved

Getting better in sports or any achievement activity is a process and it's not an outcome. So what I talk about in sports all the time is you can have a success oriented mindset or an excellence oriented mindset. And an excellence mindset will provide far more long-term success than just focusing on today's outcome or this week's outcome, because people who focus on excellence, they focus on the process of getting a little bit better every day. Failure is a part of excellence. It's okay to make a mistake. It's okay to lose a game.

What is baby sign language?

Communication is the key to cognitive, social, emotional, and behavioral development in children. Before your baby develops the ability to communicate verbally, their primary way to communicate with you is crying. Baby Sign Language is a way of giving your infant or toddler the ability to express their emotions and needs via gestures. To understand the benefits of Baby Sign and begin learning how to incorporate sign into your baby’s life, Kids in the House has compiled advice from leading speech pathologists and baby sign language experts.



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Everything you need to know about Postpartum Depression (PPD).

When you become a mother, you instantly become the ultimate guide for your child; the person with all the answers– whether that is true or not. But before you even get to questions about life and love with your child, you might notice some feelings in yourself that you don’t even know how to respond to. If you think you might be suffering from postpartum depression, Kids in the House has the resources you need to check symptoms, understand the disease, and learn how to move forward.

Everything you need to know about Croup.

Anytime your child becomes ill, it can be terrifying. Respiratory illnesses are especially worrisome and are known to pack some of the most alarming symptoms. If your child has ever been diagnosed with croup, you know just how unsettling those symptoms can be. Learn the warning signs and symptoms of croup, as well as vital information on who is at risk, treatment, and prevention of croup from top experts Dr. Nina Shapiro, MD, Dr. James Varga, MD, and Dr. Jay Gordon, MD.


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