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Kids in the House Tour

Getting better in sports or any achievement activity is a process and it's not an outcome. So what I talk about in sports all the time is you can have a success oriented mindset or an excellence oriented mindset. And an excellence mindset will provide far more long-term success than just focusing on today's outcome or this week's outcome, because people who focus on excellence, they focus on the process of getting a little bit better every day. Failure is a part of excellence. It's okay to make a mistake. It's okay to lose a game. The best players in the world, they make the most mistakes, but they're not afraid to make another mistake and that's how they make the next play. And I think one of the best things about instilling and helping your child come up with an excellence mindset is that people who value excellence also value the success of others, so when their teammates do well or other teams beat them, they're able to win and lose with class, and they're able to congratulate and support teammates when they have their moment in the sun, versus people who are so focused on success that when they don't win or when they're not the MVP, the whole world starts to fall apart. So the mindset for the greatest long-term success in any sport is to focus on daily excellence.