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scary mommy-perfect motherhood- Jill Smokler

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  • Jill Smokler
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  • Jill Smokler
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  • Jill Smokler
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    motherhood are just the little moments that you don't plan. Whenever I try to plan a really good outing or a really important day, it always flops. It's those little moments when the kids sneak into bed with you on a Saturday morning, and you just sort of have those lazy pajama couple of minutes, where everybody is so sweet. It's just the little moments; picking them up from school, seeing their faces. I was at a school play last week and my son spotted me in the crowd, and his face just lit up. I thought, I just want to capture that feeling of making my son light up for that, just by seeing me. So it's just those little moments when it doesn't get any better, and those outweigh all of the bad moments and the frustrating moments. It's hard to keep those moments in perspective when you are frustrated and the kids are just driving you crazy, but they really do make it all worthwhile.

    " data-direct-path="Array" class="use-ajax-vid " href="Array">The best parts of motherhood
    Author & Owner, Scary Mommy


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The 4-Month Sleep Regression

Nov 19, 2013
By: Kim West, LCSW-C
You’ve got the schedule down. Baby is FINALLY sleeping more…and then, WHAM! Suddenly she’s not. Welcome to what is commonly referred to as the 4 month sleep regression. Some may refer to this phase as increased wakefulness, but it all amounts to the same thing: you and baby have newly found your...
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  • Janet Lansbury
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    swing it around, they can put it over their face, they can put it in their mouth. So we want toys that they can do a lot of different things with, not toys that have one purpose, not toys that have a right way to use them. We want our young children, they're just active, active learners, and we want them to be able to play with things that they can learn from and figure out, because that's what they're driven to do and that's ideal learning. So when we get them things like rattles even, which is a very innocuous, lovely toy, but that has a little mysterious sound and the child can never figure out how that sound is made. So that toy wouldn't be as good as the child having rings that they knock together and make a sound with and discover a sound that way and they know how it's made. So we want the child to be an active learner, not a passive watcher of a toy. We want them to be able to learn and understand from it and be creative with it, use it in many different ways." data-direct-path="/preschooler/activities/toys-and-games/best-toys-for-babies-and-toddlers" class="use-ajax-vid " href="/preschooler/activities/toys-and-games/best-toys-for-babies-and-toddlers">Best toys for babies and toddlers
    RIE Parenting Expert


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