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Event 11-10-14

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As I begin to write this initial Affies4Kids blog post I want to first acknowledge how thrilled we are to be contributing to the KidsintheHouse site by sharing our parenting videos and program. Our organization continues to be amazed at the heroic movement of parents in today's world who want to be the best they can be to their children. The resources which KidsintheHouse offers them are nothing short of astounding. Well done!

Minor Infraction

The recent football recruiting scandal that rocked West Point (Roeder, 2014) smacked of similar incidents involving both military and civilian athletic programs at schools across the country. And while the Academy sought refuge in the “harsh punishment” it levied against the cadets involved, it simultaneously pointed out that what transpired is deemed to be only a “minor infraction” by the National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA).


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