Parenting is hard, but when we have each other and the truth, it’s a whole lot easier. That’s why Mamalode, dubbed “America’s best parenting magazine,” and Kids in the House make perfect partners—and we’re teaming up for an entire month on to bring you some of the best and most beautiful stories, with a sprinkling of expert advice, on the topics you care about. This month, we’ll LIVE&LEARN together.
Psychiatrist, ADHD Specialist, & Author
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My New Year's Parenting Resolution in less than 100 words.
I want to STOP SAYING, “GIVE ME A SECOND” every time one of my children asks for my attention. My response has become so ubiquitous that now when I ask my five year old to brush his teeth, he says, “Give me a second.” This year when one of them asks for my attention, before I react with my habitual quip, I want (at least some of the time, or at the very least once) to stop right then and give them what they need - my presence and my love.