In the United States an average of 45% of all marriages end up resulting in a divorce. Also approximately 40% of all children in the U.S.
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My daughters are now eleven and sixteen. Sixteen years is a long time looking back at my years as a parent. And I know I’m not getting any younger. I forget stuff all the time; I mean all the time, at least I think I do…I don’t really remember.
Last week I met a guy on the basketball court. I told him I was a teacher. “Oh, at what school?” he asked.
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Do you find that you look pregnant (even when you're not anymore or never were)? Do you have back pain? If the answer is yes, you may want to check yourself for a Diastasis Recti (DR), or as it's often referred to "ab separation" or "ab gap."
Rocking babies to sleep is a very natural way to help them sleep, and human beings have been doing it since the beginning of time. It makes sense that babies often nap better when we recreate womb-like experiences. They love to sleep in warm, cozy, slightly noisy, gently moving places, so parents often use all sorts of motion to put their baby to sleep - rocking chairs, baby swings, sling carriers.
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Founder & Director, Attachment & Bonding Center of Ohio
Adoption & Family Therapist