Rarely do couples enter into a marriage with thoughts of its failure and divorce. Most couples share their assets and debts in accordance with California's Community Property laws.
You coped with the rigorous emotional demands of a divorce, and in all likelihood, do not want to think about your new identity as a single parent just yet. But the sooner you address your new role, the sooner you can adjust and learn how to thrive. Your children need you now more than ever; do not forget that they went through the divorce, too. Do yourself and your family an important favor. Embrace life as a single parent.
Do Not Let Anger Get the Best of You
911 Phone Emergency
Benefits of Toddler Tantrums
The new Ghostbusters movie will be out this summer, and my twelve-year old daughter, Grace, wants me to take her. “Not until we watch the original on Netflix first,” I respond.
This doesn’t faze Grace, because when in 2010, Will Smith’s kid, Jaden, became the newest incarnation of The Karate Kid, I had Grace watch the first three Ralph Macchio/Pat Morita versions with me.
Jurassic World last summer? Jurassic Park first.
Special education is constantly evolving and adapting to meet the needs of our children and students. Simply consider popular education trend setters like Piaget, Vygotsky, or Reggio Emilia. Each revolutionary had new theories and ideas, but one thing in the learning world is always constant: change.
Author & Violence Expert
Once again I rely on our customers when I write about change. Changing curriculums takes research, talking to other homeschool families and some trial and error.
Here is a link to a great podcast that we sponsored on the Ultimate Homeschool Radio Network about changing curriculum http://ultimateradioshow.com/help-i-want-to-change-my-curriculum/ Check it out.
Here is a snap shot of a few curriculums that are on Second Harvest’s catalog page.