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[40% Promo] Intensive June Holiday Program

Posted May 21, 2017 - 8:05pm

Dear Parents & Students.

Paramount is a newly established tuition centre located at 501 West Coast Drive. Unlike other tuition centres, we hope to give you/your child that A+ in his exams that are taught through transferable skills that you/your child can apply in his/her other academic subjects and in life!

Right now, we do have June Holiday Intensive Program that goes as low as $120 for 4 lessons,2 hours each and boasts a small class size of maximum 7 students. If you choose not to opt for our program, you can still come for our regular sessions at 40% discount from now till 2017!

The reason for our low prices is because we want you to trust us at as little risk as possible. Try us out at no obligations with 1 free lesson, and an academic assessment so that we can better gauge your child/your understanding of the subject and get you that A+. Trust is built over time and we hope to gain your trust that way!

Do feel free to contact us at or send an email to with no obligations to commit at all. Thanks!!

Warm Regards

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