When parents should stay out of their kids' drama

Relationship & Parenting Expert Wendy Walsh, PhD, shares advice for parents on when its best to stay out of your children's drama and problems
When Parents Should Stay Out Of Their Kids' Drama
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When parents should stay out of their kids' drama

I'ts really hard watching our children grow up and seeing them get a little dings that come with social learning. It's really important to remember that your kids practice relationships especially in second, third and fourth grade. Sometimes their feelings can get so hurt by their friends. But I want you to step back. Are you projecting your own injuries in this whole situation, your own early life traumas? Are you getting re-injured yourself? If so I need you to step back and let your kid explore social learning. Sometimes your kid is not going to be included in every game and they're going to be sad and they're going to cry. But this is not the time to circle the wagons, become a hover parent, call every other parent, call the principal, say she's being bullied when in fact it's just a learning moment. Now, obviously, if your child is clearly having depression or anxiety, their eating habits have changed, their sleeping habits have changed and there's something going on and that's a long term thing, then I would suggest you really need to be proactive and get involved. But for the rest, stay out of it. Let them learn how to be friends. Let them learn how to be a good friend. And sometimes they learn that by being excluded.

Relationship & Parenting Expert Wendy Walsh, PhD, shares advice for parents on when its best to stay out of your children's drama and problems


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Wendy Walsh, PhD

Relationship & Parenting Expert

Dr. Wendy Walsh was nominated for an Emmy Award for her work as co-host on The Dr. Phil spinoff, The Doctors TV show. She also hosts Investigation Discovery Network’s “Happily NEVER After,” as well as being part of Dr. Drew’s Behavior Bureau on HLN Network. On CNN and 9 Network, Australia, she breaks down the psychology of sex, love, gender roles, divorce, parenting and other human behaviors. Dr. Wendy is an Adjunct Professor of Psychology at California State University, Channel Islands. She holds a B.A. in Journalism, a Masters degree in Psychology, and a Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology, and is the author of three books and numerous publications, including The 30-Day Love Detox. She appears regularly on The Today Show, CBS This Morning, Good Morning America, The Steve Harvey Show, The O’Reilly Factor, Inside Edition, The Katie Couric Show, Jane Velez-Mitchell, and The View.

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