Helping a child who has trouble sleeping

Learn about: Helping a child who has trouble sleeping from Charlotte Reznick, PhD,...
Helping a child who has trouble sleeping | Kids in the House
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Helping a child who has trouble sleeping

Trouble falling asleep is the most common sleep complaint I hear. It is also the most common complaint I hear. Either trouble falling asleep, trouble staying asleep or nightmares. And there is hope through their imagination. One girl who is eight years old is typical. She was exhausted. She was exasperated. And she was driving her parents crazy. But she knew exactly what was going on. She said I cannot turn my brain off at night. She just could not. Her mind was racing. And she could not relax her body so I might have her imagine, think about where she is now and imagine where she would like to be. So from a very stiff, tight girl, where she was now, she wanted to be relaxed and just falling asleep. So we called in some help. She brought in an animal friend that gave her a special magic potion and magic seeds to eat that would put her to sleep easily. And one boy actually had one that was so cute. He had a little wizard that kind of lived up in the clouds and came down on rainbows and gave him this magic potion that he poured over his head every single night. And it helped him fall asleep and he said if you believe you are sleeping, you will be asleep in a minute. So it makes a big difference.

Learn about: Helping a child who has trouble sleeping from Charlotte Reznick, PhD,...


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Charlotte Reznick, PhD

Psychologist & Author

Charlotte Reznick, PhD, is a child educational psychologist, a former UCLA Associate Clinical Professor of Psychology, and author of the Los Angeles Times bestselling book, The Power of Your Child's Imagination: How to Transform Stress and Anxiety into Joy and Success. Dr. Reznick is also creator of Imagery For Kids: Breakthrough for Learning, Creativity and Empowerment, a mindful, positive coping skills program, and writer/producer of several therapeutic relaxation CDs for children, teens and parents. In addition to her private practice, she is a frequent media consultant, and teaches workshops internationally on the healing power of children's imagination.

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