Worrying about your child's reading level
Learn about: Worrying about your child's reading level from Marni Ayers,...
If you have a child who is not reading in Kindergarten, there's absolutely no reason to be worried.
Some children are all ready to read chapter books, in Kindergarten, but most are not. Mine, for example, entered Kindergarten able to write all of her letters and numbers, she could read could read basic words. I thought for sure, she was going to take off and and be one of the best readers. This absolutely did not happen. Not until First grade was she even able to read the most basic of books and really start to get reading comprehension.
Once she did, once she started to feel success as a reader, and reading comprehension came at the same time she was learning to read. Once that happened at the same time, she was able to take off. Now, in Third Grade, she's reading way beyond her reading level, in just two years.
Learn about: Worrying about your child's reading level from Marni Ayers,...
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Marni AyersEco Mom
Marni Ayers is a green-living advocate, writer and mother. She writes frequently about eco-conscious living and is the founder of LusciousPlanet.com Marni is also an award-winning playwright. Her plays have been produced in New York, Los Angeles, Chicago, San Francisco and other cities across the U.S.
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