How does discipline affect development?

See Dana Entin, RN, MN, PNP's video on How does discipline affect development?...
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How does discipline affect development?

Understanding a child´s developmental stage is really important in discipline. Remember one of the most common errors that happen in discipline really comes from parents having unrealistic or unnatural expectations of their children. So understanding what is normal for a child´s age and stage is really helpful. For example, knowing a child at 18 months, what they are really capable of, allows you to know how long you can expect them to sit in a highchair for in a busy restaurant. A two year old, the same thing. You need to understand how long they can wait if you are having a conversation with another adult, how long, what is normal for them to wait. A three year old, and so on. It is important to understand what the developmental norms are in order to have very realistic expectations of their behavior.

See Dana Entin, RN, MN, PNP's video on How does discipline affect development?...


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Dana Entin, RN, MN, PNP

Parent Educator

Dana is a Pediatric Nurse Practitioner who has been teaching parenting classes for the past 10 years. She understands that all families are unique, but believes that children thrive with healthy values, discipline, respect, and an environment where parents understand normal development and are open and excited about their role as a parent. Dana is a true advocate for children and parents alike. Today’s parents are inundated with blogs, books and boatloads of people telling them what to do.  Dana uses her advanced practice nursing background to help parents better understand research and information pertaining to parenting.

Dana has written many articles, lectures, and does private and small group consultations. She has completed a parent handbook on discipline and is currently working on a new book. 

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