KidsInTheHouse the Ultimate Parenting Resource
Kids in the House Tour

Join us for our live streaming event on Thursday, March 3

Mar 02, 2016
The image of exhausted parents too tired for romance gets a sexy makeover from 7-8 p.m. PST on Thursday, when four leading relationship experts discuss dating, marriage -- and, sadly, sometimes divorce -- as part of a live streaming event! Sign up for this FREE event » The live streaming event,...
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Controlling Aggressive Behavior With Preschool Children

Feb 03, 2016
By: Kids in the House
As an adult, you’ve learned to walk away from uncomfortable situations, or talk through a disagreement as opposed to handling it with physical contact. However, preschool children do not know what to do with their emotions and may resort to hitting, pushing, biting or pulling hair. “It’s not that...
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My Teen Wants to Quit the Team

Feb 03, 2016
By: Kids in the House
Your child has been participating in a sport and has, for reasons unknown to you, expressed interest in throwing in the towel . Should you push your child into remaining in the sport, to see if it gets better? Or should you step back and let your teen make the choice to take a break? First, says...
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When Birth Parents Don’t Want to Reunite

Feb 03, 2016
By: Kids in the House
In the case of adopted children, at some point they may grow curious about their adoptive parents. This typically happens when children are old enough to understand the circumstances behind how a child could be put up for adoption. There is enough self-awareness and sense of identity where...
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When Should I Let My Teen Start Dating?

Feb 03, 2016
Your teenager has expressed an interest in dating, but when should you let that first date take place? Rather than going solely by your child’s chronological age, you should consider a variety of other factors related to your level of communication and your child’s level of maturity . You can help...
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How to Help Struggling Adopted Children

Feb 03, 2016
By: Kids in the House
It’s common for adopted children to deal with complex emotions. If you notice your child struggling to cope with feelings or acting out at home or school, know that there are things you can do to help. First, you must understand that parenting methods that may have worked on other children might...
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Seven Rules for Teens Using Social Media

Feb 03, 2016
By: Kids in the House
Social media has become a prolific tool in the lives of today’s teens. They use the sites to connect with friends, family and even with people they don’t know but with whom they feel they share similar interests and beliefs. Since it is likely your teenager is spending at least a portion of his or...
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Body Image And The Media

Feb 03, 2016
By: Kids in the House
Global Youth Ambassador Marushka Mujic asks you to remember what it’s like to be an adolescent. Was it transformative, especially around your attitude toward your body during puberty? With the onset of that momentous occasion coming earlier for today’s children, body image is becoming a big issue...
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Five Ways to Help a Child With Asperger's

Feb 03, 2016
By: Kids in the House
Children with Asperger’s face a unique set of challenges. Aside from professional therapy and medication, there are lots of things parents can do to help improve quality of life for their child. 1. Be patient. While it’s not likely to be intentional, kids within the spectrum seem to know how to...
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Helping Autistic Children Deal With Change

Feb 03, 2016
By: Kids in the House
Children who are diagnosed with autism spectrum disorders take comfort in rituals and routines, and usually don’t welcome change. This “change” can take the form of visitors to the home, leaving the home, eating novel foods, and even changing the order of the routine. According to autism advocate...
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