Creating the attachment connection wtih baby.

PhD and author Gordon Neufeld discusses how attachment unfolds for babies.
Creating the attachment connection wtih baby. | Kids in the House
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Creating the attachment connection wtih baby.


- I've been spending my life trying to put the pieces together of how attachment unfolds. In the first year of life, a child does attach through wanting to be with, to be in sight, and smell, and hearing, in touch. But by the second year of life, a new way of attaching should open up, in which the child wants to be liked not only with, but liked. And this is the key to language acquisition, to stamping our forearm on their behavior, it's a key to so many things. And this is a context in which children are meant to be raised. So the beginning, the infancy and toddler, is just the beginning of a wonderful, unfolding, and development of a capacity for a relationship.

PhD and author Gordon Neufeld discusses how attachment unfolds for babies.


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Gordon Neufeld, PhD

Psychologist & Author

Dr. Gordon Neufeld is a Vancouver-based developmental psychologist with over 40 years of experience with children and youth and those responsible for them. A foremost authority on child development, Dr. Neufeld is an international speaker, a bestselling author, Hold On to Your Kids and a leading interpreter of the developmental paradigm. Dr. Neufeld has a widespread reputation for making sense of complex problems and for opening doors for change. While formerly involved in university teaching and private practice, he now devotes his time to teaching and training others, including educators and helping professionals. His Neufeld Institute is now a worldwide organization devoted to applying developmental science to the task of raising children. Dr. Neufeld appears regularly on radio and television. He is a father of five and a grandfather of three.

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